April 28, 2024

2 thoughts on “3rd Place Minority Rep Wins More Votes than Stefanko, Should She be Undesignated Rep?

  1. The comparison between the vote totals in the Presidential race and the Minority at-Large race isn’t valid since voters can select two candidates for the Minority at-Large seat (essentially doubling the turnout in that race over the number of unique voters).

    1. Thank you for your comment, I think that we could still benefit by analyzing and reevaluating our election structure. I understand the logic that voters in the minority liaison race essentially had two 1st-place votes to give whereas the voters in the presidential election only had one. However, that doesn’t change the fact that more people checked a box next to Gilbert’s name than did next to Stefanko’s, and Gilbert didn’t have the benefit of having votes redistributed after the first round like Stefanko did.

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